

  • golang
  • python-requests module (to add sample components to play with)
  • mariadb server
  • redis
  • git (to get the sources)

Install golang

Download golang from here , extract go directory under your home directory.

$ mkdir ~/gocode

Now write the following lines in your ~/.bashrc file.

export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin
export GOPATH=~/gocode/
export GOROOT=~/go/

and then

$ source ~/.bashrc

Install the dependencies

After golang installation, get the dependent libraries.

$ go get
$ go get
$ go get

Setup Mariadb (or MySQL)

$ mysql -u root
> CREATE USER 'bugspad'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypass';
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON bugzilla.* TO 'bugspad'@'localhost';

Clone the git repo

Now clone the source repo somewhere in your home directory.

$ git clone

Create the tables

First edit scripts/bootstrap.sql line 2 with your username and email id.

$ mysql -u bugspad -pmypass bugzilla < createdb.sql
$ mysql -u bugspad -pmypass bugzilla < bootstrap.sql

Build bugspad

$ make

After this you have to build the helper tools also.

$ go build load_all_bugs_redis.go redis_op.go backend.go

This should create a binary called bugspad in the directory.

Install and run redis server

# yum install redis
# service redis start

Customize config file

First, copy the sample config file config/bugspad.ini-dist to config/bugspad.ini.

$ cp config/bugspad.ini-dist config/bugspad.ini

Now, edit config/bugspad.ini and add proper credentials(user and password) to access your bugzilla database.

Start the backend server

First run the loader to load all index data in redis.

$ ./load_all_bugs_redis
$ ./bugspad

Populate database with components

So, we will put some (16k+) components in the database so that we can test.

$ cd scripts
$ wget
$ tar -xzvf comps.json.tar.gz

Then update with your email id as username and execute it.

$ python